Friday, November 28, 2008

The Fine Print

Have you read the back of your library card lately? It says, “By signing this card, I agree to:

· Accept the responsibility for all fines incurred
· Pay for damaged or lost materials
· Report promptly loss or theft of the card or change of address

Too many people under appreciate the value of their library card. It can take you further than any credit card and allow you to travel not just around the world, but also into the past or future depending on what you read.

People also take for granted the responsibility of a card. Tax dollars are used to purchase our materials. When a customer damages a book and refuses to pay, it is like destroying your neighbors’ property. Customers ARE responsible for the safe keeping of our materials. When a book is damaged you should be expected to pay to have it replaced.

A previous boss taught me that when renting a car, always take a walk around and look for damage. Many of our customers do the same with our books and that is OK. We appreciate it and mark our records accordingly so that when the book is returned you are not charged for the material.

Please value your library card and the materials you check out.

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